The Founders Pledge Foundation

Wofür wir stehen
Founders Pledge is a global nonprofit empowering entrepreneurs to do immense good.
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Unsere Ziele
We believe entrepreneurs are uniquely placed to transform the world, today and in the future, by using their skills, networks, and resources to tackle huge, seemingly insurmountable problems. However, they often lack the time, tools, or knowledge to direct their charitable giving where it will do the most good.

Founders Pledge exists to bridge this gap. We advise on, facilitate, and maximize the impact of our members’ giving.
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Das sagen Unterstützer*innen

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Gegründet von:

Founders Pledge


Mittel der Foundation (gesamt) 0,00 €

Unterstützte Organisationen

Made with bcause | Stiftung gründen neu erfunden