Books for children about new technologies Foundation
Wofür wir stehen
Neue Technologien werden immer präsenter, doch viele Menschen, insbesondere junge Kinder, haben Schwierigkeiten, die dahinterstehenden Konzepte und Ideen zu verstehen. Um dieser Herausforderung zu begegnen, haben wir eine Stiftung gegründet, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, die Welt durch frühkindliche Bildung zu verbessern. Unser Ziel ist es, Kinderbücher zu entwickeln, die komplexe Themen wie Quantencomputing, Künstliche Intelligenz, Neurotechnologie und Langlebigkeit auf einfache und inspirierende Weise erklären.
Emerging technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent, yet many people, especially young children, struggle to understand the concepts and ideas behind them. To address this challenge, we have founded a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the world through education. Our goal is to develop children's books that explain complex topics such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, neurotechnology, and longevity in a simple and inspiring way
Emerging technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent, yet many people, especially young children, struggle to understand the concepts and ideas behind them. To address this challenge, we have founded a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the world through education. Our goal is to develop children's books that explain complex topics such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, neurotechnology, and longevity in a simple and inspiring way
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Unsere Ziele
Ein erstes Buch über Quantencomputing ist bereits entstanden und dient als Vorbild für die weiteren Projekte. Wir sind überzeugt, dass ein echtes Interesse an Fächern wie Physik, Mathematik und anderen Naturwissenschaften nur dann aus dem Herzen entstehen kann, wenn Kinder für die Zukunft inspiriert werden. Mit diesen Büchern möchten wir die Neugierde wecken und den Kindern die Bedeutung dieser Technologien für die Welt von morgen näherbringen, um sie zu ermutigen, die Technologien der Zukunft aktiv mitzugestalten.
A first book on quantum computing has already been completed and serves as a model for our upcoming projects. We believe that a genuine interest in subjects like physics, mathematics, and other sciences can only develop from the heart when children are inspired for the future. Through these books, we aim to spark curiosity and help children understand the significance of these technologies for the world of tomorrow, encouraging them to actively shape the technologies of the future.
A first book on quantum computing has already been completed and serves as a model for our upcoming projects. We believe that a genuine interest in subjects like physics, mathematics, and other sciences can only develop from the heart when children are inspired for the future. Through these books, we aim to spark curiosity and help children understand the significance of these technologies for the world of tomorrow, encouraging them to actively shape the technologies of the future.
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