DLD Conference

Founded by:

Our bcause
At DLD great minds come together to share what they are passionate about, to connect, and get inspired! We have witnessed great ideas and equally amazing people behind them. Some initiatives are very close to our hearts because we believe they truly make a difference. With bcause we want to follow our words opening the opportunity to support some of them to our community.
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Our Goals for 2024
This year our focus is on education - which should be available to everyone on our planet. Therefore, we would like to encourage you to donate to Chess in Slums and CK-12, two amazing organizations that provide young people with the right tools to take control of their future.
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Foundation funds (total) 230,00 €

100,00 €

"Happy to support"

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50,00 €

"Happy to suppport"

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50,00 €

"Tolle Initiative liebes DLD Team! 👍"

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20,00 €

10,00 €

"Looking forward to DLD24 and learning more about the initiatives supported by the DLD Foundation. DLD has always been an important inspiration. "

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Financers from bcause (5)

Anonymous: 1

Supported organisations

Made with bcause | The foundation for a new generation