Über uns
Ultimately ChangemakerXchange envisions a world where everyone is part of inclusive communities in which people connect deeply and co-create positive action to serve the wellbeing of people and planet.
Our current mission and activities center around three key pillars:
1) A global community, which provides 1000 (and growing) young changemakers with safe and empowering spaces to build connections, trust and collective action.
2) Our Facilitators for Change program, which builds the capacity of the social impact ecosystem towards human-centered and collaboration focused facilitation (with nearly 200 organizations trained to date) and
3) The Possibilists, a global alliance of 17 of the world's largest youth innovation networks (reaching hundreds of thousands of young innovators), which provides scientific insights into the needs and challenges of young social entrepreneurs.
Our current mission and activities center around three key pillars:
1) A global community, which provides 1000 (and growing) young changemakers with safe and empowering spaces to build connections, trust and collective action.
2) Our Facilitators for Change program, which builds the capacity of the social impact ecosystem towards human-centered and collaboration focused facilitation (with nearly 200 organizations trained to date) and
3) The Possibilists, a global alliance of 17 of the world's largest youth innovation networks (reaching hundreds of thousands of young innovators), which provides scientific insights into the needs and challenges of young social entrepreneurs.
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91.455,00 €
30.000,00 €
"Einfach des beste Netzwerk und die beste advocacy Organisation für und von jungen changemakern Ausserdem hat das Team eine so kluge, schlanke, effiziente und moderne Art der Organisationsstruktur und Führung aufgebaut- macht einfach immer Spaß! "
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262,00 €
193,00 €
30.000,00 €
1.000,00 €
30.000,00 €