Save Philippine Seas

Because our seas save us.

bcause quality criteria

SPS is working towards a vision where Filipinos understand that our ocean is an integral part of our well-being, economy, heritage, and national identity. We are cultivating deep appreciation for the marine environment so that people are inspired to conserve and protect our seas. To do this, we are addressing problems and issues in shark conservation, waste management and circular economy, and environmental education. 

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Was Deine Finanzierung bewirken kann
In the next five years, SPS is focusing on strengthening formal and informal environmental education in the Philippines to develop eco-conscious ​"seatizens​" by expanding Earthducation, SPS's program to build capacity of teachers in the public school system to teach environmental education. SPS hopes to train at least 1,200 teachers on topics such as marine ecosystems, climate change, and marine litter, which will have a positive impact on an estimated 120,000 students.
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About us
Save Philippine Seas (SPS) aims to empower seatizens towards collective action and behavior change. SPS began in 2011 as a response to a large-scale illegal marine wildlife trade case. It was registered as a non-stock, non-profit organization in 2013 under the name Philippine Seatizens, Inc. with the goal to conserve the Philippines’ coastal and marine resources.
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The team
  • Anna Oposa

    Executive Director and Chief Mermaid

Important milestones
This year, we trained 300 public school teachers on climate change education, raising their knowledge and self-efficacy in climate education.


The Sea and Earth Advocates Camp has trained nearly 300 youth from 10 countries in Southeast Asia, with increased knowledge and pro-environmental behavior.


From passing a landmark Executive Order in 2015 to establish the country's first shark and ray sanctuary, the area was expanded into a marine protected area network through a local ordinance.


  • Certificate of Incorporation (Securities and Exchange Commission)



20.025,00 €

20.000,00 €

"Anna, you have great ambitions for 2024! Best of luck to you and your team and the Phillippine Seas!!!"

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25,00 €

Finanzierende (2)