Regenerative Resilience

Founded by:

Wofür wir stehen
Strengthening society through equitable access to education and knowledge.
(Currently this foundation is strongly focussed on creating regenerative systems change in Germany)
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Unsere Ziele
This foundation supports the principles of regeneration and strives to support societal resilience by strengthening equitable access to education and knowledge.
Regeneration seeks to create systems that generate wellbeing and abundance of life for all through cascading benefits and positive feedback loops.
Equitable access to education and knowledge is one of those benefits that trickle down into society and generate positive feedback loops across multiple layers.
By supporting this foundation you make sure that your money reaches the most regenerative organisations that work towards enabling equitable access to education and knowledge.
Feel free to make suggestions to any organisations that you know is creating positive feedback loops through access to education and knowledge.
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Foundation funds (total) 606,28 €

600,00 € is already given to organizations


100,00 €

Tech and Teach gGmbH

100,00 €


100,00 €

Riff freie Medien gGmbH

100,00 €


100,00 €


100,00 €
Our objectives

Peace, justice and strong institutions


Quality education


Gender equality


Partnerships for the goals


Reduced inequalities


100,00 €

500,00 €

Financers from bcause (2)

Anonymous: 1

Supported organisations

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Made with bcause | The foundation for a new generation