
Founded by:

Unsere Ziele
Impactwave was founded to help SMEs find practicable net-zero solutions to transform their organizations towards more sustainable growth.

With this foundation, we want to support organizations bringing us closer towards a sustainable and inclusive future.

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Über die Gründerin
Fabienne founded in 2020 to address the pressing need of the SMEs in her ecosystem to find practicable solutions for the transformation of their organization towards net-zero goals.
She is an experienced business entrepreneur and angel investor committed to environmental sustainability, decarbonisation, and social inclusion. She is passionate about fostering systemic solutions to social and environmental challenges and taking them to scale. Having engaged at the intersection of social, environmental and business issues for decades, she has an in-depth understanding of how environmental and social transformation, circularity and systems thinking come together to produce break-through solutions.
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Foundation funds (total) 15.800,00 €

10.000,00 € is already given to organizations

Children for a better World e.V.

10.000,00 €
Our objectives

No poverty


Zero hunger


Good health and well-being


Quality education


Gender equality


1.000,00 €

500,00 €

"A very good idea!"

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400,00 €

"Ganz herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! Sehr schade, dass wir wegen des Schnees (Quote: It won't be masses of snow) nicht persönlich Dich feiern konnten!"

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200,00 €

500,00 €

"Happy Birthday, Fabienne! The Kills"

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1.000,00 €

1.000,00 €

"Liebe Fabienne! Herzlichen Glückwunsch, von Allem nur das Beste! LG, Brigitte Herzog"

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Financers from bcause (12)

Anonymous: 4

Supported organisations

Everyone a changemaker
Bestehendes Recht nutzen, um unseren Planeten zu schützen
Für Kinder! Mit Kindern!

Made with bcause | The foundation for a new generation