nookees Foundation

...that there are still many people around the world who are discriminated against because of their menstruation. 

In the global south, young girls and women are often unable to participate in public life and/or go to school because they do not have menstrual products. As a result, they miss out on a large part of their education, and their future opportunities are drastically reduced. The only reason: their period.

I want to change this situation. And I want to change it together with you!

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nookees bcause
The idea for nookees, the world's first click-in system for menstrual underwear, was born on a long trip around the world with my son Max. Already during the development and the beginnings of the company, I realized that this should not only be a product for people like you and people close to you but that I wanted to make a much bigger difference: 

From the very first second, it has been incredibly important to me to make a difference worldwide and also give menstruating people in the global south access to safe, hygienic, and ecological products.

With the nookees foundation, I am currently supporting three wonderful projects that are very close to my heart and are going down this great path together with me. In conjunction with education, including workshops, the young women learn about menstruation and can make their own version of nookees sanitary pads. 

In addition, local seamstresses sew additional pads from the materials provided by nookees, which are then distributed free of charge in the villages and the community. They are paid a fair wage for their work. This broad approach not only makes nookees available to as many people as possible but also helps to combat the stigmatization of menstruation through direct education.
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Gegründet von:

Janina Breitling


Mittel der Foundation (gesamt) 9.730,00 €

an Organisationen gegeben: 9.730,00 €


3.880,00 €

Viva con Agua South Africa

3.350,00 €

Girls On A Mission e.V.

2.500,00 €
Unsere Wirkungsziele

Wasser + Sanitäreinrichtungen






Gesundheit + Wohlergehen


Weniger Ungleichheiten



"Happy Birthday, liebe Janina - und danke für unsere gemeinsame Arbeit am Neuen Geben! Von Deinem Co-Host und nookees-Fan"

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100,00 €

20,00 €
Flora Oldenburg Foundation

"Ich finde die Produkte von nookees super! :-)"

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3.000,00 €
Tobias Thelen Foundation

"Super wichtige Initiative!"

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100,00 €

100,00 €

"Let’s get started"

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150,00 €
Simon Baron-Sawatzky Foundation

"Eine so tolle und wichtige Arbeit! Weiterhin viel Erfolg für euch!"

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10,00 €
Finanzierende bcause-User (15)

Anonym: 8

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